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Livia Pivetta Piccinni - esperto giudice ENCI/FCI di Agility, Flyball, Cae1 e Dog Dancing
... don't worry about anything you may do today, this evening your dog will still love you just the same! 


2015-12249628 10208318911800422 1536244493840134339 n2015-12274598 10208364926870770 8301722183014631374 n2015-12278632 10208364933630939 6547523576199822438 n2015-12278638 10208311772461943 7628958850189097382 n2015-12279009 10208311774742000 7751617406539584045 n2015-12279206 10208311769421867 7793851784354517276 n2015-12295383 10208324232333432 4515173080955405843 n2015-12299233 10208364933510936 4830462251361243044 n2015-12243483 10208318911760421 7550738497820225175 n2015-12246686 10208318911840423 1018985782760377398 n

2015-12243483 10208318911760421 7550738497820225175 n